Habits for a long healthy life

Habits for a long healthy life - After the summer and Ramadan it is a great time to change to new super healthy habits. Healthy habits are essential to your long term health and happiness.

Health is wealth. Yes you can buy a new car or a new dress, but the body you've got is the only one you get so take care of it. If you don’t care for your body, who will it take care of you?

Top Ten Healthy Habits

  • Eat smart and healthy. Eating requires a balance of nutrients including food from all the groups. So that your body has everything it needs for growth and repair. Make the effort to include plenty of colorful vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, beans, raw nuts and seeds. Cut down on cakes and biscuits and ditch the junk! Try to eat less as research shows that life expectancy can be extended by eating less.

  • Reduce and balance your animal fat intake. Research shows that it’s best to keep fat calories around 25 to 30 percent of total calories. Include a balance of vegetable oils and fish oils in your diet.

  • Drink plenty of clean water. Your body needs to be well hydrated to function well. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of pure water a day supplies you with this essential nutrient that helps you digest your food, transport nutrition and get rid of toxins. If you live in an area of desalinated water drink bottled water.

  • Exercise regularly and sensibly. Physical activity builds health and keeps bones strong. But daily walking is good for the heart and lightweight training is better than strenuous high-impact exercises. No need for a gym membership — start with my award winning mini-morning workout. E-mail me at minian@ardenhealth.com for a free copy. Daily exercise is the key to improved circulation, metabolism and emotional well-being. Recent studies show daily exercise is the key to staying mobile and flexible.

  • Limit your salt intake. Consuming too much salt throws your minerals off balance; causes excess water retention and possibly high blood pressure. You can get used to less. Do not put salt on the table.

  • Beat the sugar habit. Sugar is everywhere. It’s in our drinks, it’s in our foods, and it’s hidden in places we never would think of. Limit sweet treats to one per day.

  • Eliminate negative habits. Try to cut down on excess caffeine and other stimulants, if you smoke, quit. Stop comfort eating and reward in other ways. Try and replace bad habits with healthy new habits that are good for your body, such as a facial or an evening swim.

  • Go to bed early and get your sleep. Needing sleep is not a weakness. Sleep is an ally and helps us to enjoy the best in life. Sleep helps us to live longer, keeps our body strong and healthy, helps keep our brain sharp and our emotions positive, healthy and balanced.

  • Take quality supplements. Numerous studies show that optimum nutrition levels can help you to feel better, lose weight, prevent disease and slow down aging — naturally.

  • Reduce the stress in your life. Good stress management is important and long-term stress can affect your health; so let the problems go — they are not worth damaging your health for. And, as Abraham Lincoln said, “Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. So make up your mind to relax, enjoy life and be happy. Don't take a single day for granted Enjoy life! ( arabnews.com )

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